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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 October 2020

I Got The Snap, The Crackle and the Pop -and I ain't talking breakfast cereals!


The rapidly falling about PC that I had to go to after the laptop passed away (no, the pick-axe was an accident after it had passed) is cranky as hell and will close documents while I am editing pages -or it waits until I've spent five minutes on a page and then -close no save.

Today I counted the number of times this happened. For a 16pp book I edited the equivalent of 33 pages.  For a 20pp book it was 45. 

When my sister entered the room and I turned she tells me that she could hear the snp, crackle and pop of my neck and shoulders. I took pain killers.

I do this so that there are 161 books spread over 17 pages on the store front. All anyone has to do is spend their cash and buy the books. I think that' fair. I might even be able to afford a new PC or laptop (reconditioned) if enough people buy....or I could upload the sound of my snack, crackle and pop neck and shoulders?

If you get the time please conider checking the store front out -thank you!

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