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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 25 October 2020

The Masked Marshal -Life by the Gun





 It's the Wild West and one man, his identity hidden by a mask, has been made a United States Marshal with a remit to travel where ever he needs to and an even more secret remit: rid the West of the outlaws and killers and make it safe for American citizens -use any and all methods.

 The toll A Life By The Gun will take is unknown to the Masked Marshal but is inevitable. 

Ben Dilworth guides Stransky & Labbat to bring us stories of gun law: 

Bad Law 


The Old Man of the River 


Clayton Gang 

Some times even hitching up your horse while you take a drink can lead to death.


  1. Have to just say thanks for putting up the MM comic. Much appreciated. With a buggered laptop. Thanks. Send a little help soon. TTFN

  2. NO!!! NO "help" required!!! Just art packages! :-) Seriously, NO.
