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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 12 October 2015

Hulk and Thor and Ragnarok could be Hulk v Thor II...and what about Age of Ultron?

It appears that Mark Ruffalo's version of the Hulk (he is THE best Banner since Bixby) is to appear in 2017's third Thor movie -'Thor: Ragnarok'

Which ought to be interesting. So far the two characters have worked well together.  And the movie Hulk ain't been to Asgard yet -though he has in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes and, of course, Hulk V Thor the animated feature.

But talking about all thing Avengers-ish, this weekend I watched Avengers: Age Of Ultron. I read all the comments about how bad it was, how it should have been made -listen: get out of your mom's basement and do something constructive with your life -try writing or making a movie, even amateur...oh. No, of course, because the untalented like to tell everyone where THEY have gone wrong from behind a keyboard.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the movie.  I was a bit surprised after what I had read and heard but I think the critics (they would love people to think of them as that rather that whiners, which is what they are) had their comments ready before seeing the movie.

Avengers 2 was, quite obviously, setting up the basis for future Marvel Universe movies and characters -the mention of Wakanda, Ulysses Klaw -there was so much and it was done in a subtle way.  Even the introduction of new Avengers -Wanda, Vision, Falcon, et al.  

Remember that The Man From U.N.C.L.E. was used to introduce the spin off The Girl From U.N.C.L.E. -it's an old tried and tested method in TV and movies and even....comics.
There was that kick to the balls for that "other company" with the rights to X-Men (you know who) when Disney/Marvel totally excluded Mutants (the new dirty word) by calling Pietro and Wanda "augmented humans"!!

Also, you had the downfall of S.H.I.E.L.D. to refer to and New Avengers so as the flagship movie
Avengers: Age Of Ultron did its job by turning in a good action story with lots of characterisation and telling the fans there was more to come.  I did notice that, like the Marvel comics, the movie was heavily more sci fi focussed.

Oh...and you got feckin' Thanos at the end!!

So stop moaning an just sit back and enjoy fun and action -these are not  lectures on compressed dark matter physics (those give you migraines) they are entertainment


  1. I have to agree AGE OF ULTRON was a much better movie than I expected. As a comic adaption it doesn´t work as well but for a movie - and keeping in mind that most movie goers don´t know anything about the comics - it was fantastic. Of course the greedy bastiches from Disney were disappointed that they weren´t showered in money. Cry me a river.

  2. Yes. See, maybe it was too subtle for comic folk? We set up the doubt in Captain America's head about what Stark would do to "help" the world....Civil War. We got the New Avengers facility....Civil War...we got Wakanda...Black Panther movie....we got Ragnarok....third Thor film....we got Thanos and the Infinity Gems......come on -it was all in there and NOT badly put together as some claim. Even the misquote from the Black Widow that she's a "monster" because she can't have kids...she explained how she was trained to kill from a young age, to not show feelings and to make sure that as a seductress/killer there was no distraction or "taken off roster" she was sterilised. The explanation was there but, no, let's ignore that. This was a movie comic with the action you want in a comic and my only complaint was that the Vision had that new outfit BUT this is a movie version. I'm old enough to know how it works!
    A great movie.

  3. I couldn't agree more I enjoyed "Age of Ultron" maybe not as much as the first Avengers movie but this one had the Vision (one of my favourite characters) so I was always going to be happy with that - it was a really good / fun action movie. To be honest I have only been disappointed in one "big bucks" super hero movie in the last 20 -25 years and that was “Green Lantern” ( a really boring movie - Daredevil was pretty bad also) . Ant Man got a similarly bad (well average) press amongst comic fan but I thought it was great movie, one of my favourites. Too many fanboys want these films to be exactly like the comics with gaudy / bright costumes etc but no one cares (or is that aware ) about the comics version ( except fanboys) amongst cinema goers - saying that I haven’t seen the latest “Fantastic Four “ movie yet, I hear that is not good at all.

  4. Uh, there are TWO movies that you are FORBIDDEN to mention on CBO. One is that green ring thingy and the other is.....sorry.....unstoppable vomiting....Green......Hornet. I watched thirty minutes of that last film and I got so ****** angry that I wanted to smash a certain actor's (Seth Rogen) face repeatedly into a the anger. Must stay calm....Not seen Ant Man yet but I was a big The Incredible Shrinking Man movie fan and now we have the technology to make it look better?
    The Vision, yes. I think I've posted on here before about how I picked up that Avengers comic and Dr Strange had a blue face mask, there was someone called Black Panther, Hawkeye was an Avenger and....what?? Who or WHAT was the Vision? I think Bettany did a good job.
    But it was comic fun. And I sat there thinking that no cos-player is ever getting to wear a 9ft Hulk Buster suit....and one HAS!!
    Fantastic Four.....I can only take so much bile or anger a month now so I'll miss that one!
