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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 18 October 2015

Lucky Luke No. 54: Rodeo

Authors: Morris
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: August 2015

ISBN: 9781849182591
Price: £8.99 inc. VAT

Lucky Luke arrives at Navajo City just in time to sign up for the town’s big rodeo. But the prize money promised to the winner is attracting some unsavoury types, and among the participating cowboys is one Cactus Kid, an unrepentant bully and outlaw.

The clash is inevitable, both in and outside the arena, and Luke will have to fight with his customary aplomb and humour – before riding off to new adventures.

Now Lucky Luke's appearance has changed since 1946 and his appearance in  Spirou in the story Arizona 1880.  But as soon as I opened this new book it struck me that the style was different.  Still Morris but in a cartoony style different than usual.  I'm quite sure that some learned LL fans out there could set me straight! 

That said, I looked through this a couple times until it started working for me!  The usual fun and action and jokes and we are into a long run of this title now.  A slight price increase but look at the page increase -64 rather than the usual 48.

The cover I like.  Very basic and looks almost like a sketch but still full of dynamism.

I would love to see the 1940s Lucky Luke strips reprinted at some point and why not?

Well worth buying for the kids....of all ages.


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