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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 26 April 2020

Black Tower Store Front -Where is It??

If you look you will not find it. You can order books via links but the POD just "upgraded" its system and it is a NIGHTMARE.

Three hoursto try to get a book published and there are now multiple steps in publishing the interior let alone the cover. I was working on this until 0130 hrs and started back at 1100 hrs.  I then tried publishing a second book and that just confirmed how bad the system now is.

You can order easily but the publishing side takes....well...

Old system to upload the interior....5-10 minutes
Upload the covers....2-4 minutes.

Looking at what I just did the previous 7-14 minutes is now just over an hour.

As soon as I have checked proof copies of the two new books I will post details.


  1. I thought it was just me who cmuldn"t access the store front due to japan Wow. Time to put a bt store front buuon on every post. Anyway, jjust fin the edits for ALMH 6 so I"ll send 3 copies of 5 and 6 gn a liule while take care

  2. Well, there is a book cover on Comic Bits 2 by someone I do not know and othwer covers have vanished which is off-puttingto potential buyers. What the idiots did was change everything in one go and even back in the 1980s it was standard to bring a new system online bit by bit BECAUSE of things like this. When I get time I may have to do a full CBO page with every book listed. They are making it harder and harder to use their system. From 40 minutes to publish a book to know over 1 hour due to the system skipping parts of the process. It's why I walked away on Sunday. Whether they get their act together and sort things out quickly...
