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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Traveller....lost

After last year's purge involving the burning of 35 years or more (actually going back to the 1970s) of papers and scripts I thought a lot of stuff was gone forever.

However, as I looked for my notes on the Terry Bave interview (which I fear is now lost forever) I found some bits and pieces of projects I was working on back in the early 1990s.

So get prepared for....uh...the Spanish Inquisition?

First off a page from The Traveller which seemed to be a sci fi mystery but developed into a surrealistic journey through the Quantum Realm. I have no idea who the artist was because they jumped ship before completing the artwork. I have a few other pages elsewhere in another box so one day....

This series (initially 4-6 issues as I left that open to the publisher who knew what money they had and what could be published) was picked up by a company but the artist refused to answer letters and was not on the phone so.....

The talking fish was a mystery but everyone seemed to think it referred to "the Godhead"

Publisher dumped the idea (quite rightly)

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