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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 1 February 2021

Ebay Sellers and the comic seller who cannot sort out an "Ebay tech" problem (but will sell away from Ebay)

I'm putting this "out there" now for a very good reason. Since I pay immediately for any item I purchase on Ebay I was rather staggered when Silver Acre Comics (trading as silver-acre (141361) who I had been purchasing from for some time began, in 2014, to refuse orders via its Ebay store.


I contacted them and asked what the problem was as I had always paid on purchase. Oh, it was an Ebay tech problem -but they would sell to me away from Ebay and this they did several times up to last year when I was told (again) that I was unable to buy from Ebay because of the “technical issue” (I’m not the only one apparently but can only speak for myself since I have all the emails going back to 2014).


Silver Acre has NEVER sorted the problem out so I refused to buy and adding it all up that means in the last year+ as a business they lost around £200 worth of trade.


Time and time again they have said they will sort out the Ebay problem but, you know, I can order via their web site.


I think that after 8 years enough is enough with these games.  So, if you have similar problems REPORT it to Ebay and, please, not to me. It ios good to know that this business is doing so well in a recession and pandemic that it can refuse sales.


Again, theyu can dispute this but I have all the emails along with names of those I dealt with.

Below: two of the several comics I could buy away from Ebay but not on Ebay from Silver acre

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