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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 31 January 2021

Cinebook Ltd Newsletter 157 - January 2021


Dear Reader,

Welcome to a long-awaited 2021! Shiny and new, here’s a year with plenty of promise and hope, and it had better deliver!

As for us, we’re opening the year with a definite martial touch, starting with the return of Buck Danny, who is still chasing Lady X, a deadly virus, and … love way down south beyond the Antarctic circle. The heat is on, but do dress warmly anyway …

Next stop: Austria, 1809, and the second part of The Battle. Napoleon’s will drives his soldiers onwards against all odds, but the Austrians are no pushovers, and despite the carnage refuse to give up. All rests on a single, all too fragile bridge – lifeline, or deadly trap?

Finally, for a more humorous (though never forgiving) take on the great calamity of war, let’s meet up with our old friends The Bluecoats as the Union’s desperate need for troops sends them on a disastrous recruiting drive. If only civil war was always this funny …

January with Cinebook: chaaaaaaaarge!

Buck Danny 12
Formosa & Zumbiehl
Operation Vektor

Lady X, Buck’s nemesis, has given all three pilots the slip. Unfortunately, she’s also managed to pick up a Russian defector who’s not only shot Natalya, the beautiful scientist buck appears to have fallen for, but also carries with him a sample of an incredibly deadly virus ... Read more

The Battle
Gil & Rambaud and Richaud
Book 2

The battle has been joined. On this first day, Massena desperately holds onto Aspern, the French cavalry charges again and again, but the Emperor cannot seem to break the Austrians. Louis-Francois, stuck on the wrong side of the only available bridge, impatiently waits for repairs to conclude... Read more

The Bluecoats 14
Lambil & Cauvin
The Dirty Five

After a series of bloody battles, the 22nd Cavalry is once again depleted. Sent on a recruiting drive, Chesterfield meets only failure – between the reputation of their unit and Blutch’s constant sabotage efforts, finding volunteers is almost impossible. Until fate brings them to a penitentiary... Read more

Authorised Happiness 3

Lonesome 1
the Preacher’s Trail

The Regiment
The True Story of the SAS 3

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

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