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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 28 February 2023

Max Ernst


  1. I've always liked Lop Lop - or Max Ernst! There were Phaidon videos at one time on the Surrealists. Joan Miro was also a favourite. Sadly, the whole video range never made it to DVD or any other media. Amongst my own favourite Surrealists are Dorothea Tanning, John Tunnard, Remedios Varo, Leonora Carrington and Leonor Fini. In literature, Joyce Mansour - practically ignored in any decent translation from French, Annie le Brun, Ithell Colquhoun and George Kalamaras. - who has a fascination for the works of Paul Delvaux and has a talk on YouTube called The Sacred and the Profane - Surrealist Poetry and the Dissolution of Dichotomy.

  2. Hello Terry. Quite an interesting video here. 'YouTube hates Artists and Creators and it's getting worse!.. THE END OF ART' The competition of traditional arts with the algorithm.
