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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Hexagon Comics Some Updated Info


Jean-Marc Lofficier at Hexagon corrected me re. what I wrote in one book review and added the extra info -which my old fuddled brain couldn't! 😂

"OCEANIA is scheduled to be on sale on March 1st. I jumped a gun a little by sending you an advance copy.

"You can find out what became of MARINO by (re)reading KIDZ. Also THE SEA KING and COMMANDER NEPTUNE in STRANGERS 7: THE RETURN OF HOMICRON; THE PATROL OF THE DEPTHS in STRANGERS 5: THE KINGDOM OF SHIVAR; and BAHY-09 in HEXAGON COMICS: THE FIRST 70 YEARS.  And of course you have the "old" KIT KAPPA reprint to compare with his recent appearance in STRANGERS 8: THE INVASION OF ATLANTIS.

"This is also true of the "old" versions of HOMICRON, STARLOCK, JAYDEE, JALEB, etc. which I reprinted a while ago in the STRANGERS ORIGINS tpbs.

"This you can compare the original characters as they were and their treatment in the revamped Hexagon universe."

See? Hexagon Comics is a whole big world you are missing out on!

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