I started with a 5" (14cm) Scooby Doo Dracula figure.I already owned one and there was a duplicate from a job lot more than seven years ago so he was it!
Dracula was no longer Dracula. Now he was Nosferatu and that meant enlarging the head and I even decided to give the fella a nose job.

I wanted the puffed up sleeve shoulders and then added collar and some buttons. This is all before the eventual clean up.
Profile view shows the new nose and arched back
Back of the figure. The problem I had is that with a long coat I would need to basically swamp the figure with Milliput to fill in the gap between the legs as thin Milliput tends to be (even though it is rock hard once set) breakable in thin layers even though I have found 5mm thick Milliput very strong. So I decided that my Nosferatu would have a shorter jacket and far, far less buttons!

I wanted the puffed up sleeve shoulders and then added collar and some buttons. This is all before the eventual clean up.
Profile view shows the new nose and arched back
Back of the figure. The problem I had is that with a long coat I would need to basically swamp the figure with Milliput to fill in the gap between the legs as thin Milliput tends to be (even though it is rock hard once set) breakable in thin layers even though I have found 5mm thick Milliput very strong. So I decided that my Nosferatu would have a shorter jacket and far, far less buttons!
Once tidied up and sanded over with an emery board (my sandpaper has vanished) I did the main base coat which was black acrylic paint with contractors PVA glue mixed in to make sure any paint adheres
there is a basic figure painting trick where, if you want to use light colours, you base coat with white or a very light colour and if you are going to use a darker colour -base coat black. So I did not base coat the head and face but as my white paint is running out (and I can't afford any more just yet) I used a Folk Art French Blue acrylic paint. It actually looks quite good and the eye colour suits it.
I almost thought "That's it!" but, no. I am going to see whether a watered down flesh wash will work or even a watered down white.
As for clothing colour...I may leave the jacket black although grey might work or even a brown. Not decided at this point but the next photos will show what I finally went with.
Nosferatu the final version. This is the scheme I went with. The flesh has the French Blue base colour followed by a pink wash, a white wash and even a light green wash.
It's not much but I now have an original, no other copies, action figure and (obviously) after I finished it I realised how I could have made a long coat quite easily!
So that is the double Dracula, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma converted. Basic but all a learning curve.
I have a double Frankenstein from this set.....
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