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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 11 December 2014

Boy, Have The Finns Got It Right.

Mr Brown, after his rousing trip to Suomi-Finland, handed me two newspaper sized comics.  One was the slightly larger than A3 Kuti #25.  This issue had some great black and white and colour strips in it plus an article on the Flemish (Belgium) Small Press.

This is Simon Haus's contribution -photo (c)2014 Simon Haus.

But what just made me sit back in a heap, totally blown away (I don't write that often) was the July-Christmas issue of Kuti -#34.  I have taken this image from the web as my A3 scanner....well, the pages do not fit on it.  The cover is not as bright yellow as this but more a tint of yellow.

Now you may wonder why a page will not fit on my A3 scanner?  Well, Kuti #34 is A2 so like one of the old Tome newspapers.

I flipped through this several times.  The cover story continues throughout the publicationnd is just superb.  At the bottom of each page is an English translation.  But I just....I was amazed by the art and at that size -there are pages involving huge sets of steps and to draw and shade all of those...incredble

Suomi-Finland is not a massively populated country by any means and yet they can produce so many comics, newspaper comics and graphic novels.

It really is a totally different attitude -as I pointed out in my Pekka A. Manninen interview I really need to get to that country!

My THANKS to Mr Brown for these two gems.

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