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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 26 December 2014

Christmas TV ratings

Brendan O'Carroll's comedy was watched by more than 7.6 million viewers

"Royalist Country" my ass.  Queen gets just over 5 milion viewers -she's at joint no.9!

Mrs Brown's Boys WAS hilarious.  But more people waited to watch it when broadcast after 10pm than the Queen....oh, I must stop laughing.

Dr Who at No. 7 -I think a lot of people thought it was "too much" having Father Christmas as a legitimate character -if they had watched they would have gotten the whole point.  But that's the BBC and Moffatt for you: sucking big time in programme promo (though Moffatt seems to have gone over board in a major way in keeping himself promoted).  And if you watched it you'll know that I was spot on about Jenna Coleman and the series....though no one ever mentions my accuracy on TV or movie news.

Now that Miranda Hart has become a "proper actress" her comedy, Miranda (you guessed??) has become limp and very very unfunny.

Soaps of one type or another -I include "Strictly"- take up the other places.

TV has steadily gotten worse over the years and the rather unfunny Professor Brainstawm, starring Harry Hill, that I was looking forward to was....limp. WHY show a kids show from 8.30-9.30 pm????

I think TV really did die this year -and I have over 50 years of TV watching to base that on.

BBC One controller Charlotte Moore said: “It’s fantastic to see millions of viewers choosing BBC One with the top five most popular shows on Christmas Day.

“Audiences tuned in for an incredible range of quality programmes from drama, comedy and entertainment.”

Yeah. Right.  Wake up.

Top 10 most-viewed Christmas Day programmes

1. Mrs Brown’s Boys – BBC One – 7.6 million
2. EastEnders – BBC One – 7.55 million
3. Strictly Come Dancing – BBC One – 7 million
4. Call The Midwife – BBC One – 6.8 million
5. Miranda – BBC One – 6.7 million
6. Coronation Street – ITV – 6.6 million
7. Doctor Who – BBC One – 6.3 million
8. Downton Abbey – ITV – 5.8 million
9= The Queen – BBC One – 5.7 million (Another 2.1 million watched on ITV)
9= Emmerdale – ITV – 5.7 million

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