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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 19 December 2014

Just In Case You Don't Pay Attention To These Things.....

....Does anyone?

My Anomalous Observational Phenomena blog is being allowed to die a death.  Over 200 postings and almost 20,000 views and no comments or points to be made by those viewers? 

I'm posting nothing new there.

And do not think I won't close CBO in 2015 (I was going to do it now but I'm taking deep breath).

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know it existed until now - just had a glance at it (haven't got time to read right now) and it seems like my kind of thing (I've been reading Fortean Times for twelve years now). Shame it's come to this, but it it's not getting any kind of response then fair enough.
