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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 15 December 2014

More Ghostbusters Movie Gossip...maybe.

More talk about Ghostbusters movies than DC movies. Odd, hmm? Anyway, according to Hollywood Life

‘Ghostbusters': Channing Tatum & Chris Pratt Doing New Reboot Together

Ghostbusters Channing Tatum

Hottest ‘Ghostbusters’ team ever? New emails from the Sony hack allegedly reveal Channing Tatum’s plans to team up with Chris Pratt for a new series of films in the funny franchise.

Channing Tatum, 34, may be striking gold with this film idea. A series of emails that have been released from the Sony hack allegedly reveal his pitch to producers for a series of Ghostbusters films that would star him and his buddy, Chris Pratt.

‘Ghostbusters': Channing Tatum & Chris Pratt Developing New Film

Okay, this is officially the best thing to come out of the huge Sony hack.
A new chain of emails allegedly between Channing and executive Amy Pascal were released on Dec. 15 revealing his pitch — and slight begging — to develop a totally revamped Ghostbusters franchise, reveals The Daily Beast.

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Hollywood Life

“Let us show the world The DarkSide and let us fight it with all the glory and epicness of a HUGE BATMAN BEGINS MOVIE. I know we can make this a huge franchise. Fun adventure craziness. COME OONNNN!!!” the email that is allegedly from Channing read.

Another email reveals that Channing was pitching the idea to star not just him, but also his buddy and former 10 Years co-star, Chris Pratt.

The version Channing was pitching was described as “simultaneously super scary while also super funny.” Something both Channing and Chris are very good at!

So, basically, they would be the two hottest Ghostbusters that ever lived. (Sorry not sorry, Bill Murray.)

Could Two ‘Ghostbusters’ Films Exist?

If you are finding yourself torn between Channing’s pitch and the rumored all-female cast reboot of the 80’s classic, fear not.

A separate chain of emails allegedly between Amy and Hannah Minghella, co-president of production for Columbia Pictures, not only supports Channing’s pitch, but also declares that the film could totally exist alongside the all-female one.

“Apparently the Russos are very close to Paul and Joe suggested Paul could be attached to direct both,” Hannah’s email allegedly reads. “Personally I think it’s possible for the female version to co-exist with this other version so maybe they’re not mutually exclusive.”

You know, reading this...suddenly comic journalism doesn't seem that bad!!

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