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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 15 December 2014

Cinebook The 9th Art: Valerian and Laureline 8 - Heroes of the Equinox

Authors: Mézières & Christin
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Age: 12 years and up

ISBN: 9781849182133
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: September 2014

Every 100 years or so, the infertile people of Simlanne send their champions to the sacred island of Filene, where the best among them, chosen via a series of tests, will find and bring back the next generation. This cycle, though, the local heroes seem to fail repeatedly, and the aging Simlannians have sent for heroes from other worlds. Valerian, chosen to represent Earth, will have to overcome the tests and his competitors in a dangerous odyssey…

It must be well over 20 years ago that I bought two volumes of this series in Golden Grove Books, in the Haymarket, Bristol -shop and...building all gone and built on now.  Mind you, they appear to be demolishing most of Bristol!

Anyway, one of the books I purchased was Heroes of the Equinox -I think Hodder-Dargaud edition.  Well, surprise -the quality of paper stock and printing is much superior but, then, Cinebook are publishing in 2014!

It really is a great book though my memory did play tricks with me.  I thought "These panels never bled off the page in the old version -there were borders!"  I just checked.  No they did not have borders -they did bleed off the page ("bleed off" meaning the art goes to the very edge of the page).. I also realised just how much cleaner and clearer the art is in this version -the old was dull.

Hey -questing heroes: how can you go wrong?

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