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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 29 December 2014

Of Course Smith's Dr Who Would Have Become Tougher....Pity He Let His Ego Decide To Jump Ship...

....Which means "Woulda, coulda, shoulda but I realised that my incredible talent needed stretching".  Who cares what bullshit an EX Dr Who actor spouts about a role he just dumped...oh, fan-boys/girls.  And as an actor not getting much publicity....

Here's what Dr Who 24/7 wrote:

Matt Smith has said his Doctor would have become “meaner” and “tougher” if he’d stayed in Doctor Who.

Speaking at +Wizard World, he said: “If my Doctor had carried on, he’d have become a bit meaner and a bit tougher. The universe would have weighed on his shoulders a little more which would have been cool.”

“Damn, I should have stayed,” he jokingly added.

Smith was joined at the event by Karen Gillan, who played companion Amy Pond, who spoke on what could have happened if she’d decided to stay with the show.

“Maybe there could be a series where we see Amy in therapy when she went through four psychiatrists,” she suggested. “She’s talking about the Raggedy Man and they’re like, ‘You’re crazy!’”

A fan in the audience later suggested the possibility of the two switching roles, with Karen playing the Doctor and Matt playing her companion.

“Wow, we should ask Steven [Moffat] if we can make that episode,” Smith suggested. “Yes, that means I’m a kissogram!”

“You’re hired!” Gillan declared.

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