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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 29 December 2022

A Black Tower Weekly Comic??

I have now been asked twice why I never published a weekly comic. If the persons asking that question meant as in the old newsagents weekly comic then that is not possible any more. You have to be a big company and if you are not then the closed shop distributors will not even look at you.

If you mean a Black Tower buy from the online store or  from me weekly comic  -I did. It was called Bristol Comic     Book, black and  white, 32pp and featuring a mixture of strips. All the weekly issues were sorted out for the first 12 weeks (3 months).

No one bought or showed any interest.

I then added a colour cover and re-titled it Black Tower Adventures.


The Black Tower Face Book page has a lot of those covers in its Albums section.

You can produce a good product but it does not mean people will buy. Regular Black Tower comics, comic albums and graphic novels have been oddly criticised in the past as "There's nothing else like these out there" and even "they are very good production and high quality but (again) there isn't much like this out there".

Low priced books, quality printing and that is a minus?


So, Stuart and Paul: I have tried!

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