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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 30 December 2022

Image Comics 1963, Reverend Cross, Jack Staff and other "stuff" by my 'Bed'

Interesting question but please ask in the Comments section. What books/comics do I have by the side of my bed? Well, I do not have a bed I have a reclining chair. Next to it is my shelving with my Silver/Bronze ages Dr Strange and trades, Sub-Mariner collection and below that my Justice League of America, All star Squadron trades and below that my John Byrne collection, Image Comics 1963 series.

Below that my Classics Illustrated books, Vampirella (essentials style) trade, Jack Staff, Mud Man and Burglar Bill books. Also a selection of other comics that I like to pick up every so often including Kult Creations Reverend Cross, Helga Frankenstein and Jungle Princess -if I could pay artists there are certain British Golden Age female characters I would love to see Gabrielle Noble draw!
I also have my collection of David Gordon books...

Then there are, of course the Paul Ashley Brown and Tom Ronson books

Oh, there are also some of the 3.75 inch action figures I am converting into Platinum and Golden Ages British characters. (yes, I have a very crappy camera but no money =bad camera!) 

And, of course, my Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology which I am sure we all have at arms reach....don't we?

I do like to read through 1963 even though it was an enormous car crash -even those who remember it and try to work out just what was going on -with the creators- get confused. A pity as the characters were great and suitable for development. 

If Image Comics ever wants to revive the characters I'm here. Just saying.

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