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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 16 December 2022

Cinebook the 9th Art: MEMORIES FROM THE CIVIL WAR 3



Authors: Richard Marazano & Jean-Michel Ponzio
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: September 2022

ISBN: 9781849185479

£8.99 Incl VAT

The mission to break the siege of Tel Aviv ended in disaster – two dead, and the rest of the team captured. But as the prisoners await their fate, they’re suddenly confronted to the terrible reality of their world – most notably the fact that they don’t seem to be fighting for the side of angels. Will they be able to adapt to this new truth and make the right choices – assuming there are still right choices?

Not too long a wait to have to review this one and you can find reviews of volumes 1 and 2 with these links.

vol 1

vol 2

To me the story seems okay but I still do not like the photo-art when it comes to the characters.  Not sure why as I've seen this done before but for some reason in this series I find it jarring. I've tried to read through the previous two volumes to see whether my attitude changed. Obviously it did not. It's almost as though photos taken of people were pasted on to artwork.

And, to be fair, I do know that there are people out there who say they love the style so it is a case of "different strokes for different folks.

Although the storey and scripting is okay it seemed to be almost cliched at points and for me the ending was...not much really.  Oddly, this is the first series from Cinebook that I have been this negative about but I did promise Olivier Cadic (owner) that if a Cinebook came my way I did not like I would be honest about it. There are positive reviews out there I am told (I never read other review sites).

For me a disappointment. But that's comics -not everyone likes everything.

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