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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 10 December 2022

Cinebook the 9th Art: ALONE 13 - THE STRIPED SOULS



Authors: Fabien Vehlmann; illustrated by Bruno Gazzotti
Age: 10 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: August 2022

ISBN: 9781800440685

£7.99  incl VAT

Even as his friends seem finally on the verge of being reunited after all their adventures, the time has come for Dodzi to regain his freedom. He must first pass the test prepared by his kidnapper, the Mad Master: an obstacle course with, perhaps, at the end, his release. Except the young boy doesn’t trust that deal, and plans to escape his own way. But nothing has prepared him for the extraordinary discoveries he’s about to make …

The last volume I reviewed in August...2021

The mystery and quirkiness of this series grabbed me from the outset despite my wondering whether a series about kids surviving in a world with no adults would last. There have been some great concepts but, being honest, it is now becoming a tad boring. Not the art or the story but the fact that we are at volume 13 and I reviewed volume 1 in June, 2014 and that is 9 years ago. I seriously do not think I will live long enough to see the series conclude. When you have over a year between volumes it does not help and it means constantly having to go back and read the last volume to catch up with the story. Now I do not bother.

It has taken the soul out of following a series.

Of course, being a publisher in the current state the world is in does not make things easy and I have no idea what the Cinebook-Dupuis contract is but (excluding that little cough outbreak that gave us all a free home holiday) the length of time between volumes is not helping sustain the investment a person puts into the characters.

The art is still good. The writing is still solid. Do I recommend the series? Yes. However, for me, without any information on when this series ends or whether there is a set volume that it ends in,, I am just going to glance over books as they arrive as I have lost my personal investment in the characters.

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