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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 30 December 2022

Wilhelm Busch, Max und Moritz, Hans Huckebeen and Plisch un Plum

 Big tidy up day today...I can actually freely move in a 3ft (90cms) square space in my room. I moved my copy of Schwager & Steinlein's 2010 (cushioned hardback) Wilhelm Busch: Die schönsten Geschichten für Kinder and a sheet of paper fell out. It was an A3 (A2 folded) flier or news sheet I got free while in Germany and was about the Deutsches Haus in New York. Why did I pick this up? Because inside was a one page reproduction of Wilhelm Busch's Max und Moritz -seriously, look up Max und Moritz...oh, here:

Above the rather chunky Busch book.

Below the Deutsches Haus flier

I  also, obviously, also have Anaconda Verlag's 2008 Max und Moritz pocket book with art reproduced in black and white.

And, again, the 2001 Verlag M. Nauman Das Berliner Wilhelm-Busch-Album. Black and white and featuring Max und Moritz, Hans Huckebeen and Plisch un Plum

 All very enjoyable to read and look through.

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