PLEASE Consider Supporting CBO

Please consider supporting Comic Bits Online because it is a very rare thing in these days of company mouthpiece blogs that are only interested in selling publicity to you. With support CBO can continue its work to bring you real comics news and expand to produce the video content for this site. Money from sales of Black Tower Comics & Books helps so please consider checking out the online store.
Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 23 December 2022

News For 2023

 Having now spoken to several self publishers I have a plan for 2023, this is, however, based on the UK postal strike ending.

These publishers have all used online book stores as well as Amazon -with Amazon they all only made a few pennies on a sale as Amazon is NOT a friend of anyone selling.

What they did was sell via Face Book (and I have a Face Book Black Tower Comics and Books page) and by people ordering direct from them. One made fifty sales this way -another 25 books- and all within a week or so.  They are sticking to this selling method.

Of course, if Bristol had any comic events (not for a decade or more now) I could sell at those so that is not an option. The online store has been going since 2009 and has not been of any real use just LOTS of technical headaches. Therefore, when the postal strike ends I will be keeping the online store but people will be unable to order from it. Orders will be taken via email/messenger or via links on the BTC&B Face Book page.

The internet as a place to run a business from has always been a myth -as a lot of those who promoted it as such for a decade or more started admitting a few years back. I need to get books sales to make a living so even though I have made it clear that there is no international shipping involved no real takers. Books are printed and posted in whatever country or region you live in. That is how print on demand makes this a world wide business.

So, once things get back to a reasonable normality I will kick everything into place and let everyone know.

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