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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 25 December 2022

My Stance on AI Art

  I have had two comments asking why I am not declaring my stance on AI artwork. Just look the topic up online as it is the latest fad "cause" now that wokeness and virtue signalling are on their way out.

Sure, make sure artists you employ CAN draw. As an artists agent in the 1980s/1990s I had at one point 100 submissions a week but that died down to 40-60 a month later. I had people wanting to work in comics who produced great splash page art. Lots of illustrations and each one was asked for actual comic strip work since that was the area they wanted to get work in. Roughly 75% could not put together a comic strip page and those that could ..the art was bad.

It was comic companies that encouraged digital art and now they are telling anyone submits digital art "We will never use you again and we are going to do our best to black ball you out of the industry. W...T....F?  The editors and publishes acting like gangster goons need to lose their jobs.

Who does the lettering for comics?'s done on computer -black ball those people!!

Who does comic colouring and ...uh-oh..."digital effects/colouring...okay: black ball THOSE people.

Hang on...Jim Lee and almost 95% of comic artists use digital drawing tablets (*name your brand).  Okay well those people need to be black balled.

Pencil, pen/brush and ink drawing only. Hand letterers only. Hand colourists only and anyone using a digital device MUST be black balled.

Oh. Wait. Editors and publishers all use digital devices to carry out their work. Well, if those two faced back-stabbers who have encouraged digital art since the 1990s are honest and fair then they need to resign. Now.

The comic prima donnas MUST have their false cause every year or so and they are running out of options so now it is the turn of AI artists. Until editors, publishers, artists, colourists and letterers all drop digital and go back to hands on skills they need to zip it.

I, and those I work with, use pencil, brush/pen, paper and ink. My  one exception when putting a book together is the lettering as osteoarthritis does not encourage lettering hundreds of pages with a pen!

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