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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Cinebook The 9th Art: Valerian & Laureline 09 - Châtelet Station, Destination Cassiopeia

Valerian & Laureline 09 - Châtelet Station, Destination Cassiopeia
 Authors: Mézières & Christin
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
ISBN: 9781849182447
Price: £6.99 inc. VAT

Publication: March 2015

Our two spatio-temporal agents are on a new mission, but this time the duo is split up. While Laureline flies solo from planet to planet, on the trail of arms dealers and forbidden technologies, Valerian is on 20th century Earth, teamed up with the eccentric Mr Albert. And he, too, is hunting down technologies incompatible with the era. What is the link between the two cases, separated as they are by centuries and light-years?

It's been a real joy seeing these albums in English.  I love the art and some of the really weird stuff Mezieres drew.  And the stories are great.  This is one I have not seen before -if it wasn't published in English or German I never saw it.  There is very much "almost" a feel of Alphaville here* while Valerian is in the past, but still telepathically in contact with Laureline in the future.

I ****** love this.

Just how does someone from the future go about his business in the past without drawing too much attention to himself?  If fact, should such a person allow himself to be picked up by a mysterious blond in a car?  I think we may well find out in the next album -Brooklyn Line, Terminus Cosmos.

And Laureline's solo mission just might get a little more dangerous.

This is great comic book reading and, I really hope, another big success for Cinebook!

As I feel it my duty to educate now and then: * Alphaville: une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville: A Strange Adventure of Lemmy Caution) is a 1965 film starring Eddie Constantine as Peter Cheyney's private eye Lemmy Caution ("Only my mother ever got away with calling me 'Lemuel'!"


1 comment:

  1. What a shame , that with all the imagination of the 60s and the 70s , it took a series of disconnected translations of Valérian And Laureline in Heavy Metal to get them to these shores , when the originals were only just across the channel . Just imagine , if , instead of merging with TV Action and then becoming 'Mighty TV Comic' , Countdown had merged with Pilote , or even Pilote had merged with the Eagle . Dan Dare , Doctor Who and Valérian And Laureline in one magazine ! Nah , wouldn't have happened . But I would have been down to the newagents like a shot . I can imagine can't I ?
