Drawings By Paul Ashley Brown
21 x 21.5 cms
black and white
available from Paul Ashley Brown, c/o 15 Wedmore Vale Road, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 5HQ
Having just sold one heck of a lot of books at the Alternative Press event in London, Mr. Brown is one of those creators I keep telling people that they need to invest in. His books have sold in Europe and he has been to Finland and Japan which adds to his already existing following in the UK.
Mr. Brown is currently working on other projects but tends to not over expose his work. So this makes that work much sought after!
Rather than use the familiar format of the Browner Knowle series, Mr. Brown has opted for a more squarish format and, sadly, my scanner does not show the nice yellow shade of the cover -but that's scanners for you!
The scanner does not do justice to the pencil artwork which is a great pity as these centre pages I really like. And it is an even bigger annoyance because with today's printing technology you can reproduce pencil art superbly -it's when it gets into the hands of kack-handed scanner-reviewers that it goes wrong!
For investment, and if you can get a hold of copies because these are low print run books, I would say buy this book or Browner Knowles or any of his books -the mini Yo Yo books sell like hot-cakes on a cold Winters day so if you can buy any of those do!
And if you have bought a copy of number 6 of The Comix Reader -check online to buy at http://www.thecomixreader.com/ - you will see some of Mr. Brown's colour work.
Again, if you get a folded newspaper size comic it will get creases -and the actual colours on this piece are quite subtle.
No Tobias Tak in this edition which means that Mr. Brown's work is the stand-out piece in the comic. Again, I don't think The Comic Reader has a massive print-run so worth getting and there is the added bonus that newspaper format comics in the UK are VERY rare.
But you can order the latest Paul Ashley Brown book directly from him so why not ask him to sign your copy?
Really is a nice book and I have to add it to my collection which includes Judge Dredd and Blue Saviour illustrations by said Bristol's own King of Zines!
Highly recommended.
Just remembered there IS a PAB page where you can see his work:http://www.paulashleybrown.co.uk/#home
No Tobias Tak in this edition which means that Mr. Brown's work is the stand-out piece in the comic. Again, I don't think The Comic Reader has a massive print-run so worth getting and there is the added bonus that newspaper format comics in the UK are VERY rare.
But you can order the latest Paul Ashley Brown book directly from him so why not ask him to sign your copy?
Really is a nice book and I have to add it to my collection which includes Judge Dredd and Blue Saviour illustrations by said Bristol's own King of Zines!
Highly recommended.
Just remembered there IS a PAB page where you can see his work:http://www.paulashleybrown.co.uk/#home
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