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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 30 May 2015

Rob Liefeld....So What Is The Problem?

Rob Liefeld posted some photos of art yesterday.  Blurry -which might be a technical thing but bloody hell what is wrong with people.  This comment is typical:

"I think he's a shitty artist/writer, but you can't deny his love and enthusiasm for the medium."

Which makes him a far better man than the person posting that comment.

If you do not like his work then do not go following his postings because, you know what? That makes you his bitch follower.

What is wrong with this Bible story Adam & Eve art piece?
And what is wrong with this?

Believe me, no comic book artist turns out 100% perfect art every page.  Ask a critic to look at Kirby or Ditko work.  Jim Lee....same thing. 

Everyone draws to the best of his/her ability and though there are some Liefeld pages I don't like I immediately say to myself "Seen your own work recently?"

I love how the critics never show their attempts at comic art...oh -perhaps they cannot draw?  So be quiet or do something constructive.

Liefeld has work in a medium he genuinely loves -you can see that in his interviews.  And he earns a living from it.  Oh -and comic companies employ him because of his reputation for getting a job done.

I actually really like this piece.

Now, a Face Book page dedicated to him has 2,746 "Likes".  His actual Face Book page lists 4,811 Friends.  For a "shitty artist/writer" that is quite a lot of following.  Oddly, I know people who said the said about Moebius - "awful art".

I'm not here to champion Rob Liefeld.  He doesn't need my help.  I'm just sick and tired of the negativity from anonymous little arschlochs who probably can't even draw a stick figure.  Like Liefeld or not he has promoted and helped the industry and, say, did he not co-create a certain character you fan boys wet your panties over?


Suck it up and do something constructive with your lives -complain about how the poor or homeless are treated.

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