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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 4 October 2021

Hexagon Comics - Bob Lance #3: The Gost of Rasputin!


7x10 squarebound comic, 
54 pages 
ISBN-13: 978-1-61227-395-2. 

 by Pier Carpi & Luciano Bernasconi, cover by Roberto Castro.

During an unexpected stop in a lonely village, Guinevere comes face to face with the ghost of Rasputin. The mad monk seeks the return of a mysterious cross, which may be the path to immortality. Will Bob Lance succeed in unmasking the shadowy forces lurking behind the vengeful wraith?

Source Material: Bob Lance #25

I bet that somewhere out there is a moron who started singing "Ra-Ra-Rasputin" la the Boney M song. I did. 😞

Anyway, Roberto Castro's cover is full of action and colour  and promises treats within. There is a nice introduction by Peter B. Gillis who oldies out there might remember created Marvel Comics Strikeforce: Morituri in the 1980s.

The adventure starts with a quiet drive along a country road (no, you are thinking of architect David Vincent! No UFOs involved here) that goes a bit wrong and then our duo have towalk into town and wait while the mechanic goes out to their car and....suddenly people are seeing the "Mad Monk" Rasputin. Or are they?

Bob Lance begins investigating and that could spell his death!

If you like those old B movie horror-thrillers you should enjoy this. An enjoyable adventure.

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