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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 31 October 2021

Newsletter 166 - October 2021 Cinebook Ltd

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Dear Reader,

This month, we’re taking a good look at the past … and the future.

To start with, the second half of Swan Song concludes the harrowing tale of a few French soldiers rebelling against the absurdity and inhumanity of the First World War – the so-called ‘War to End All Wars’. Still gorgeously illustrated by Cédric Babouche, Dorison and Herzet’s story is sure to touch and haunt you.

The past illuminates the present – a notion that is the basis of XIII Mystery. Each volume of this spinoff series to XIII focuses on the history of one of the many secondary characters, shedding light on their lives and what led them to cross Jason McLane’s path. What, for example, can create such a ruthless killer as Irina ...

Finally, it’s time to turn towards the not-so-distant future, with the conclusion to the scaringly plausible Human Stock Exchange. If you believe that high finance already owns human beings body and soul, well … Time to find out whether there’s still a way for people to resist!

October with Cinebook – who needs a time machine, anyway?

We also have a slew of reprints for you, with no less than six titles that will soon be available again from your local comic book stores:

Aldebaran 1 (The Catastrophe) and 2 (The Group)
Thorgal 0 (The Betrayed Sorceress), 3 (Beyond the Shadows), 4 (The Archers) and 6 (City of the Lost God)

Time to complete those collections!

Allart & Dorison
Human Stock Exchange

Felix’s meteoric rise to the top has brought him much, but it also cost him dearly. Rachel has left him. His shareholders keep demanding ever more from him. Desperate, horrified, the young man is losing himself – but even that he is not allowed ... Read more

Swan Song
Babouche & Dorison & Herzet
Part 2

Lieutenant Kazinsky has finally proven his loyalty once and for all to his small band of rebels. The ambush he set for their pursuers with Sergeant Sabiane destroyed their vehicles and even injured their leader, Morvan. But ‘the Puzzle’ never gives up on a prey ... Read more

XIII Mystery 2
Berthet & Corbeyran

Belarus, in Soviet times. Irina is an unremarkable young woman growing up in an orphanage. One night, a mysterious visitor demands to see her and her best friend Julia. The latter goes first, then Irina is told she won’t be needed after all. The next day, Julia has vanished without a trace... Read more

Blake & Mortimer 28
The Last Swordfish

North-American readers, to locate a comic book shop near you that stocks or can order these titles and many more, us this handy Read more 

Or, if you're a retailer yourself, please go to: Read more



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