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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 9 October 2021

On the bike and up the lane!

 I have since June of this year been working every day until around 0230-0300 hrs on foxes and in particular the unusual fox deaths (but if you were interested in that you would be checking the Fox blog listed on the Blog roll) and between that on other matters but thinghs sort of caught up with me.

Blurred vision and painful eyes (no mystery what that is) and then on Thursday just gone months of non stop computer keyboard and other work caught up with me. Swollen hand and the shakes if I tried to hold something or hold my arm out straight -the pain I can put up with but not being able to do things I can't. Getting a tad back to normal so the promised reviews will be appearing this week.

Remember: I get no support to keep CBO running so it is not a law that I have to post anything and I do, after all, have to battle my print on demand company constantly so I get enough pressure.

Right, fingers getting numb so enough typing for now and those grey hand compression gloves are giving me a dirty look!

On the bike and up the lane!  Whatever that means.

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