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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Is It A Monk? Is It An Old Man Reading A Book? You Guess!

 No one misses the old man when he's gone.  Mind you, because my Google+ account is nearing 1 million views I got the offer of a "personal" url from Google.  meh.

Where was I? I was ill.  And at least at one point I got in some reading.  So what was "Herr Professor" reading?

The Werwolves -note the non-American spelling ("Wer" not "were") by Elliott O'Donnell which was published in 1912.  O'Donnell was, in case you did not know, one of the UKs most famous ghost-hunters/investigators who spent some time living in Bristol -he died here in 1965.

Why read this?

Because you never know when this knowledge may come in handy with what I get up to.

And WHY did the book make me angry?  Well, it's another print on demand knock-off.   no information on O'Donnell. Inside -no original publisher/publication date just "we ripped this off with total disrespect to make money".

When I retire from comics I am going to re-publish but in far better editions and, hopefully, get permission from the O'Donnell family.

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