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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Titan Books: The Squickerwonkers

The Squickerwonkers 
Titan Books
Author  Evangeline Lilly
Artist  Johnny Fraser-Allen
Illustration detail: Full colour illustrations 

Publication date: 18 November 2014
ISBN: 9781783295456  
Dimensions: 279 x 216 mm
Hardback: 42pp

Meet Selma of the Rin-Run Royals, a clever little girl who is spoiled to the core. One day Selma stumbles upon a band of colourful marionettes, and gets more than she bargained for. The remarkable Squickerwonkers of the fabulous Squickershow are about to teach Selma that she’ll not always get her way.

Evangeline Lilly is best known for her work as an actress, but her foremost passion has always been writing. This book is her first published work. Beautifully illustrated by Johnny Fraser-Allen, this eccentric and visually stunning cautionary tale will appeal to adults and children alike.

The trendy set seem to be quite literally wetting their pants over this book.  Maybe I'm not "luvvy" enough to get it.  It is a short story but what happened when I went to read it was that I found pages of art -no text.  I assumed these were end-of-book "extra art" but then....more text.  

As a kids book then it's cute and has colourful art but, you know, Kate Glasheen should be illustrating books like this.  Did not do a great deal for me and I was surprised to see it billed as " The Squickerwonkers volume 1" -really?

I think this is a book my Great Nephews are going to inherit when they get older.

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