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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Something For The Weekend: Steve Yeowell signing Zenith: Phase Two

[Steve Yeowell signing Zenith: Phase Two]

Saturday, 6th December, 2014 13:00 -  

London Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR

Join Steve Yeowell signing Zenith: Phase Two at the Forbidden Planet London Megastore on Saturday 6th December from 1- 2pm!

The all-time classic is back!
Zenith is the only superhuman popstar. He's saved the world, had a number one record - but his only interests are women, drugs, alcohol and fame.

But Peter St. John and the unexpected reappearance of Ruby forces the superbrat to take off and tackle a nuclear threat to London - from his own creator!...

[Steve Yeowell signing Zenith: Phase Two]

Just Added!

Two signed, limited edition giclee prints featuring Zenith will be available for the first time at the signing!

Steve Yeowell is a British comics artist, well-known for his work on 2000AD. He trained in 3D design, specialising in jewellery, but was put in touch with Grant Morrison via his work on Zoids – and so became the artist on Zenith. He’s also worked on a huge wealth of titles, including Judge Dredd, The Invisibles and Sinister Dexter, and with such writers as Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Mark Millar and Dan Abnett.

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