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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 2 March 2022



Authors: Richard Marazano & Jean-Michel Ponzio

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
£8.99 inc. VAT
ISBN: 9781849185288

In a not-so-distant future, mankind’s greed and short-sightedness have exhausted the planet. The vast majority of the population lives in misery among the ruins of civilisation, while a small, privileged minority continues to enjoy a luxurious existence inside a few fortress-cities scattered around the globe, the Enclaves. Vivian is a member of the elite forces that protect this utopia – but also regularly hunt down and capture people from outside the walls to use as cheap, forced labour …

Let me start by saying that the art in this books is absolutely lovely. Looks like photo referenced but the overall look and feel is added to by the colour ork which all gets a 10 out of 10 from me.  The dialogue and story flows well and then we have the problem.

We have seen with HSE and other books from Cinebook this "Humans have really ***** up the future" and how the super rich are controlling everything either with tech, troops blah blah blah. Meanwhile the poor and downtrodden fight on as best they can as they seek to survive in this bleak future.


I am sorry to write that as the art and story I like but it is this dark future which, honestly, is like the same old trope being churned out and flogged to death. There are people who love this stuff. I like it to an extent -see Dilworth's The Dark Night Detectives for instance. However, I hold back a hell of a lot of this type of material because it gts too repetitive or is simply depressing to read over and over. Comics are fun and while I can appreciate the art and writing skills involved here but the constant dystopian output is such that I will put a book to the bottom of the review list.

The one thing we all need is some fun and escapism -the important word there; escapism. So art and story wise great. Being yet another dystopian But we'll see how this develops over the next two books.

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