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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 4 March 2022


 Hexagon Comics USA now offers translations of selected titles from the catalog of this 70-year-old French comics publisher. Books can be purchased on amazon or through the website

Retailers can purchase them at a 40% discount from distributor Ingram or from the publisher at the website above.






stories by Franco Frescura; art & cover by Luciano Bernasconi.

7X10 squarebound trade paperback, 180 p. b&w - US$15.95.

ISBN: 978-1-64932-113-8.


Wampus was the herald of a second generation of comic heroes and magazines launched by Editions Lug in 1969, which eventually led to Jaleb, Homicron, The Time Brigade, Kabur and many more.

Wampus is a shape-shifting monster sent to Earth by an evil cosmic power called The Great Mind to sow havoc and destruction. He can change into any form by merely touching water, and revert to type by coming into contact with fire. His only adversary seems to be an French ex-secret agent named Jean Sten, whom, in typical Invaders tradition, no one believes.

In this issue, Wampus brings chaos to London, Spain and Venice, while Sten appears unable to stop him. Yet, strange new allies show up who might pose a challenge to the creature from beyond…


"I ate it up when my copy arrived and have already reread it, it's such grand fun; a heady stew of bogus sf/alien/espionage/terrorism circa the '60s, working up to staggering global political/social collapse (orchestrated by the translucent noodle-bodied bad boy Wampus) that builds upon the anarchistic spirit of none other than Diabolik -- hence, a missing link of sorts in European comics history, between the archetype of Fantomas and the coming wave of underground comix radicalism. Love, love, love it, highly recommended!" S. R. Bissette.

"Wampus is one of the great alien monsters of comics... [an] obscure gem of bande dessinée pulp paranoia." Paul Gravett.




stories by Franco Frescura; art & cover by Luciano Bernasconi. 

7X10 squarebound trade paperback, 232 pages b&w; US$20.95.

ISBN: 978-1-932983-61-6.

Foreword by Will Eisner.


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