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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 25 March 2022



John A. Short and Gabrielle Noble


US Comic sizesquarebound

Full colour

UK £6.50 (incl. p&p)

Here it is, nearly ten years on from the original adventure - the sequel to SAVAGE! JUNGLE PRINCESS BOOK 1 !

 This full colour adventure is by the original SJP team of John A. Short on the words and Gabrielle Noble on art! 

This time Arabella Savage and Friday Robinson are up-against Nazi- Robots! (Also featuring a volcano, naked bathing and engine grease!) It's STILL the most fun you can have with your loin cloth on! 

The PDF digital version is available from the Kult Digital blog! (Book 1 too!)

It has taken a while and to be honest I thought we would not be seeing another adventure with Jungle Princess! But here it is. I was surprised when I opened the envelope (I'm sure there was a deal of £20 for a good review..?) and saw what I had been sent.

Firstly, the story -spot on as always and the usual puns that might be included in the movie Carry On Up The Savage! Jungle Princess and Lis Fraser in her prime would have to be the Jungle Princess though I suppose in 2022 everyone would go for Kelly Brook. I'm getting a tad distracted...where was I...oh. Bristol (I said "Bristol" not "Bristols"!). Anyway, dinosaurs, Nazies, a volcano and scantily clad jungle persons...have I mentioned a gigantic Nazi mechanaut? I haven't....well there is one so there.

Then we come to the art. Nice and colourful and exuding fun -and that is what I expect from Gabrielle Noble. The action is drawn well and I really cannot complain as the art and colour work combined with the dialogue gets 10 out of 10 and it's 44 pages for just £6.30 (UK)?

Have some fun and get this book. Treat yourself but (WARNING!) o not rub it all over your body. I won't say why but you've been told.

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