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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 3 March 2022



Authors: Derib & Job

Age: 6 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
£7.99 incl VAT

ISBN: 9781800440371

In the middle of winter, while Yakari and his friends play in the snow, the tribe’s hunters kill a terrified wapiti. A welcome catch, for the stocks of food are running low. But the next day, all the meat that had been left to dry has disappeared! The hunters set out after the thief, and soon begin to suspect a bear. Yakari then decides to visit his furry friends to identify the culprit …

Before anyone asks the bear involved is not named "Yogi" and no "pic-a-nic" baskets are involved!

Things could be a bit bleak for any bear but as we know by now, Yakari is a friend to the wild animals and pretty soonthings start becoming clearer.  Was it a bear? If not then who is the mysterious thief? Well, I was very happy by the end.

Great fun for older readers just as much as youngsters and "safe" content. Colourful and wonderfully drawn as ever. Beat the worldly blues and follow Yakari!

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