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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 31 May 2022


Author: Yves Swolfs

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: January 2022

£8.99 incl VAT 

ISBN: 9781800440012

True to his word, Mayor Harper has brought in a Marshall to get rid of ‘Lonesome’, thrown in jail by a repentant sheriff. But it takes more than that to stop the lone rider in his quest for revenge, and he is soon back on the trail of Markham, the mad preacher. 

When a band of Ruffians – pro-slavery vigilantes and sworn enemies of Markham – intercept our hero, an unexpected encounter will provide him with an opportunity to learn more about the mysterious figures pulling all the strings …

This is a series that I am a little "Iffy" on. Good art and a good story but for some reason I sit on the fence over it. If you like Westerns then this ought to be one for you and if you like the old style Spaghetti Westerns then you'll see Clint Eastwood in the lead role. Chases, gun  fights and an ending that will leave you sinking (You will need to buy the book to get that joke but I'm having hysterics and ...well.)

The colour work by Julie Swolfs stands out and it is surprising how many people just take the colour work for granted without thinking how much work went into it or crediting the colourist. 

I enjoyed this and all the twists and little sub-plots but it did not "spark" in me. Perhaps reading parts 1 and 2 together might help? Incidentally, I reviewed volume 1 here;

Buy a copy and see what you think.

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