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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 31 May 2022


 Authors: Richard Marazano & Jean-Michel Ponzio

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: February 2022

£8.99 incl. VAT

ISBN: 9781849185462

As far his men are concerned, Vivian is fully recovered from his accident and long coma. An opinion that is not fully shared by Rachel, the team’s new psychologist … and Vivian’s ex-girlfriend! Personal entanglements aside, the team leader does still have those disturbing apocalyptic dreams – and then there’s that ‘Blue Parrot’ sign that seems to haunt him. A new mission to the Middle East might bring some answers at last … but will they be welcome?

First thing I thought when I saw the cover was "Is that a Sentinel head -where are the X-Men?" 😂 A bit odd I know but it seemed almost taken from one of the movies. The problem with having a visual mind is that you have a lot of images jump up and down at a "trigger".

One thing that puts me off slightly is that all of the art appears to be photo references turned into digital art. Jean-Michel Ponzio's colour work is great. Love it. Some lovely light/dark shading/reflecting going on. But at times the photo art stands out a little too much and just slaps you in the eye. Does this make it a bad book? No because the story is good and the art does do its job (can I mention how the uniforms reminded me of HALO? ).

There are twists and betrayals -or are they  betrayals? and I can't see why anyone interested in sci fi action or just action comics would not like this. I enjoyed it and I've been a real grumpy old bastid recently. My review of the first volume can be found here:

Cinebook tend to publish only the best which spoils people like me but for comic buyers and readers it gives them the opportunity to read good comics and there are none of those coming from the UK at the moment.

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