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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 12 May 2022

CSS Books -Super Detective Library


Super Detective Library  If you collect Fleetway's pocket Libraries, you'll love this huge batch of over 70 Super Detective Library comics, including these three great Sherlock Holmes titles. Here is just a small selection shown below. Be sure to visit the website to see all the new titles we have in stock.            (click on the pictures to go straight to the item's page)British Classics and moreAs ever, there's is always a mixture of new stock to be found every week on the website. Just check the Latest Additions area to keep up with what's new. Here are a few great Classics Illustrated new to the site, including these copies of Great Expectations and The Pioneers with their British-only painted covers!       New CI Title UpdateDue to an unavoidable delay, our 4 new Classics Illustrated titles will now be released in the beginning of June, with all pre-orders shipping as soon as stock arrives at our office.We're very excited to be bringing these new titles to you, and they are looking very nice indeed. Remember to order your copies here.Look out for more titles coming later in the year!    

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