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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 18 May 2022


Author: Vincent Brugeas, Emmanuel Herzet and Benoît Dellac

Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: April 2022

ISBN: 9781800440593

£8.99 inc. VAT

 1192. Richard, King of England, hasn’t returned from the Crusades. Rumours say he may be dead, and his brother John Lackland begins moving his pieces to claim the throne, counting on the support – and money – of the kingdom’s sheriffs. Deep inside Sherwood Forest, Marian, young Saxon Lady, tries to convince a family of outlaws to join her in fighting the prince, with the help of a mysterious man in a hood – none other than the Sheriff of Nottingham himself!

I must admit that the story of Robin Hood has had more origins and re-tellings than Batman. I just read what I am sent and Kult Creations Loxley from back in...2013 (?!) was the last I enjoyed. 

Brugeas and Herzet deliver a good enough story but I have been reading about Robin Hood, Robin-in-the-Hood whatever you want to call him since I was a youngster and this is just another re-telling that, in all honesty, just did nothing for me. The artwork was also not enough to tip the balance and I even re-read through this after a day to see if that might change things but, unfortunately, it did not.

Perhaps volume 2 will change my mind? 

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