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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 18 May 2022


 Author: Matthieu Bonhomme 

Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages
Publication: April 2022

ISBN: 9781800440630

£9.99 inc. VAT

The Lonesome Cowboy is not having a good day. 

Out of tobacco, arriving at night and under pouring rain in the small mining settlement of Froggy Town, he soon finds himself in conflict with two of the Bone brothers, somewhat infamous local figures. 

Unfortunately, Luke’s reputation precedes him, and when the townspeople ask him to investigate a hold-up in place of the sheriff – none other than James Bone – the tension ratchets up another notch …  

New writer-cum-artist and colourist and I immediately thought "oh damn". However, apart from a slight art style change this was still Lucky Luke.  Nothing that would make any regular reader think "oh, that is not right".

I can't give too much away or what would be the point of you buying this comic album. The cover blurb says it all and with a title that immediately makes any classic film lover think of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (if you've never seen it then do!) how can you go wrong? I have no working scanner so I'll see whether my ancient and semi-working camera can take an image that might make you want to buy this one....

Yes, The Man Who Draws Faster Than His Shadow shot. Face down in the mud as the shootist yells: "I KILLED LUCKY LUKE!!"


12 out of 10

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