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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Monday 23 May 2022


Authors: Rosinski & Sente

Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: February 2022

£7.99 incl. VAT

ISBN: 9781849184458

Jolan and his new companions have arrived safely in Manthor’s home. However, harmony isn’t the word yet, and the instructions from their new master don’t help: their next task can only be accomplished if all five of them work together to open a magical gate, but once they’re past that obstacle, only one of them can become the Chosen one – and that by stealing no less than Thor’s own shield! 

Can any of them even do it on their own?

July 2021 was the last time we saw a Thorgal book with I, Jolan which I reviewed here:

I tend to think after a long gap in receiving books from a series that I will be disappointed. No idea why but it happens. So I sit back and open up the book and...I'm straight into it. The fact that the artwork and intricate scenery is so eye catching helps and then the elements of fantasy and the characters. My biggest question is why has no one ever adapted this into a movie ? I do have a second more obvious question which is why has this never been adapted into an RPG (Role Playing game) or something Dungeons and Dragons like? Just going through this one book the visuals and characters of all shapes and sizes would be perfect!

But, leaving that aside this is a bloody good read. The art and colouring have always worked perfectly in this series and sets up much atmosphere. Having only seen a few Thorgal stories in German to see 23 volumes from the start and how the world of Thorgal has developed has been great fun.

The little "awwww" ending was a nice touch and "The Army That Lives" was just wonderful. Still a recommended series!

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