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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 19 May 2022


 Author: Matthieu Bonhomme 

Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 68 colour pages
Publication: February 2022

ISBN: 9781800440449£10.99 incl. VAT

Riding peacefully along a western trail, Lucky Luke is suddenly ambushed by an unknown assailant. After a quick gunfight, the cowboy loses his mysterious attacker, but happens upon a lone wagon beset by Apache raiders. Another quick fight later, Luke is surprised to find that the occupants of the wagon are three lovely young women! Three sisters on their way to start a new life, and who all find the lonesome cowboy … quite interesting. 

As Cinebook put it:

The funniest of lonesome cowboys is entrusted to stars of Franco-Belgian comics for standalone adventures. Between homage and re-imagining: fresh new twists on an old friend!

The cover immediately made me think of 1970s Spaghetti Western movie posters and it is eye-catching enough. Bonhomme again delivers a good story, action as writer-cum-artist and I love his colour work. 

My overall opinion, as someone who hates constant reboots and messing around with established characters is that I like this. My initial thought that this idea was going to be a bad one soon faded and I like the way it "differs" from the original. It really is a pity that they only ever made one Lucky Luke movie as I think the two stories so far would make great on-screen entertainment.

If you are not tempted to buy a copy you should be. We all need fun right now and why not cowboy fun?

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