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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 17 December 2020

Cinebook the 9th Art: Largo Winch 18 -Scarlet Sails


Authors: Philippe Francq & Eric Giacometti
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: July 2020

ISBN: 9781849185400

Wrongly accused of causing the recent stock market crash, Largo is in trouble. His attempt to find electronic proof of some external manipulation ends in disaster, and in the meantime the deeds to the entire group have been stolen. The body count keeps rising, and a suspicious guardian angel with golden hair is keeping a close eye on him. Largo will have to go to Saint Petersburg to unravel the multiple layers of this mystery and prove his innocence.

Ahh. Now this cheers me up. This continues the story started by Van Hamme Crossing Paths and 20 Seconds and then continued by Eric Giacometti with Morning Star. Are we all up to date?

Lovely colours and art and a cracking good story in which we see Winch getting even more James Bondish than before -he even has a Russian sidekick (not Catherine Bach but Ksenia Naevna). Incredible scenes and action and head-to-head talking that makes this book end far to quickly. Bloody lovely!

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