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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Fight and survive!

 It's been a funny old year. Quite honestly I neverexpected anything like the "Zombie Apocalypse" but the number of reports of look-a-like "living dead" reached a peak in June but by that time I was in a very secure farm up on Dundry Hills.  I could hear the automatic rifle fire from troops in South Bristol and sadly I'm told one of my old neighbours, Clive, got caught outside his house by the dead sods.

Still get heavy military helicopters flying over but its kind of reassuring.

Things seem to be quieting down and then astronomers say the fast Radio Bursts (FRB) they have been picking up are from an object now moving past Pluto towards us.  So much for explaining FRBs away as "space noise".

Oh, right. I fogot for a moment: 

Tuesday 15th December 2020 20:13 hrs  QXRB-76-EP-0003

Better go and check the perimeter fencing because I may be paranoid but any noise outside now gets me jumpy!

Fight and survive!

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