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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 17 December 2020

Cinebook the 9th Art: Return To Aldebaran 2


Authors: LEO
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 64 colour pages

ISBN: 9781849185417


Kim’s team has travelled through the quantum gate inside the mysterious cube, and begun exploring the planet on the other side, but soon the expedition loses a member: Marie vanishes, abducted by an unknown human. Her teammates will do anything in their power to find her, but they lack resources, and Kim returns to Aldebaran to obtain some. Unfortunately, the political situation on her home planet is quickly deteriorating, and the terrorists are still bent on harming her and her work.

I NEVER thought that I would write it but I read this and the spark was gone. I’m not sure why since the art has not changed and the story is still there…perhaps it is because the story seems to be using the same “We’re here. We can’t go home. Alien creatures are about to attack us. Someone rescues us” trope?

The fact that there does not seem to be any set end to series is disappointing because (remember I was reading this at 02:00 hrs) I sat here and thought “This could go on forever”. As a reader I cannot keep investing my time into a series that may just be renamed “Life on Aldebaran” and we start again. That is my opinion and I write this knowing that some people love this series. Maybe 2020 is messing me up.

I think that there is a big problem when it comes to Cinebook and that is that they are friendly and informative at events -far better than most) but there is a lack of online communication with readers and most of us are stuck at home and there are no UK events set for 2021 yet. Remember how Marvel and other companies had a “What’s new and upcoming” page and they would tell you that “This is a 6 issue series” blah blah blah? THAT is what Cinebook needs. “Two volumes published to date” but HOW many volumes are there?

Just saying as a comic reader of 50 odd years (I sometimes feel I should have gotten a life)

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