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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 30 December 2020

Mylène Farmer - Souviens-toi du jour (Clip Officiel HD)

Remember the day...

When the wind has scattered everything
When the memory has forgotten
Remember that we can give everything
Remember that we can break everything
And if it's a man...
If it's a man
Tell him about love at will
About love at will
Remember that we must give everything
When we want, that we come together
Remember that we can break everything
Fates are linked
And if it's a man...
If it's a man
Tell him about love at will
About love at will
The barely let out breath
The eyes are wet
And these tight faces
For a minute
For an eternity
The hands were raised
The voices are knotted
Like an embrace of the world
In unison
With the man that we will be...
Remember that the world has changed
To the noise of footsteps that resonate
Remember the disenchanted days
And the silent fates
And if it's a man...
If it's a man
Tell him about love at will
About love at will
When the wind has scattered everything
When the memory has forgotten

1 comment:

  1. Quite like Mylene. I think I have a disc that I bought secondhand. I'll have to look online. Hopefully, better things will happen in the coming year. I say, hopefully hopefully!
