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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 20 December 2020

Cinebook the 9th Art: XIII 24 -2,331 Yards


Authors: Yves Sente & Youri Jigounov
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 18.4 x 25.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: August 2020

ISBN: 9781849185431IN STOCK
£7.99 inc. VAT

Jason McLane, a.k.a. XIII, seems to have finally accepted his true destiny. Tired of fighting the powerful elite who control the world, he has apparently joined them. Of course, he supposedly did so on orders from General Wolf, so as to bring down the sinister Mayflower Foundation at last, but … what if the temptation of power proved too strong? Janet Fitzsimmons, the Foundation’s president, too beautiful? Or the price of integrity too steep for him … or his friends?

I’m going to need to check my bookshelf as I’m sure I’m missing some of the last few issues of this run.

The continuing satory of XIII has been something I am in two minds about since the original team of Vance & Van Hamme brought it to what seemed a natural conclusdion. GHowever, the stories are still good and the art great. So I guess this is a “go with the flow” type situation  Intrigue. Feisty tough female characters and a good plotline that leads to that final panel….the squeezing of that trigger….the bullet cutting through the air…

XIII is obviously a very popular European comic album series and it rated a continuation. If the books were no good and they never sold they wouldn’t rate an English language version. What do I know -I like reading comics (and books about compressed dark matter physics)!

Always recommended.

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