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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Black Tower Super Heroes 8






This is it! Issue number 8 and Rodney Dearth and his Iron Warriorface...DEATH!

 1995 and Major Victory, Hero of the Soviet Union confronts a would be alien invader! 

The Zine Zone Zoot Suit Crew BEFORE the Dark Crisis! 

The Purple Hood needs to find the DoubleAgent! 

Halcon needs to track down and fight the man-killer! 

In Texas yet another would be alien invader lands! 

In Germany D-Gruppe's Panzer handles another extra terrestrial biological entity....

 One month in and Captaion Cosmic is under assault again by aliens wanting the Di of power! 

All this and The Boy Fish, Bring 'Em Back Hank, Presto, Crasher Cave, Argo Under The Ocean, The Werewolf, Wavell and more. 

All leading up to...The Green Skies! and no one asks WHY all these aliens are coming to Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fantastic! I'll comment more later. Students....
